Title of Project (under 45 characters)
Categories: Choose a maximum of two categories for your project from the list on the submission form*.*
- Performance, Narrative Storytelling
Abstract (150-300 words): An overview of your thesis – This is the first text people will see when they click into your project page. Think of this as the introduction to the longer text (context/research) of your project.
- In this intimate theatrical experience, you meet college student Alice who has volunteered for a Big Tech experiment - they have developed a chip they can implant in your brain that lets you then control the technology around you with your thoughts. The Big Tech Company is monitoring Alice’s chip’s functionality as it comes online by having her navigate a simple video game demo first with a game controller, and then with her thoughts. Throughout the whole encounter, you are in conversation with her about personal technology - do you control your tech or does your tech control you?
- This is the first chapter in my decentralized, science fiction narrative experience, which at this time also includes a short Virtual Reality game following the same character.
Project Main Image (4:3 format image). This is the banner and thumbnail image on your project page. Dimensions: 1920 x 1080px (w x h) Image file size: 500 KB max.
Alt text for your Main Image
Thesis Statement (about 20-60 words): An ‘elevator statement’ of your project. This could be based on your thesis question.
- What is our relationship with technology - do we control our personal tech, does our personal tech control us? Or do the companies who make our personal tech control us?
- How does our relationship with our personal technology change as the technology changes? Do we really have control over it, or do the companies making the technology control us?
Technical Details : Here is where you include any system diagrams, and note the what softwares / programming languages and libraries / hardware / machines that you used.
- The base of this was storytelling and playwriting for immersive, interactive theatrical experiences. It was augmented by game engine technology using the Unreal Engine 5.3.
Research/Context **(about 100-250 words): This should be a summary of the research you did for your project: your influences, similar products/projects, technical research (e.g. how you chose the materials you chose). A lot of this can be pulled from last semester’s project proposal.
- How can we use emerging technologies to augment theatrical experiences? How can we innovate in the immersive theater space?
- My research was primarily theoretical in the transhumanism, cybernetic, speculative fiction, and science fiction spaces, primarily through books (see further reading)
- Detours through octopus and other forms of this pice
Project URL / Website. Optional. Add a link later if you have one.
Further Reading. Give credit where credit is due, in the form of titles + links.
- Influential works:
- Mythologies of Transhumanism by Michael Hauskeller
- Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence by James Bridle
- How We Became Posthuman by N. Katherine Hayles
- Cyborg manifesto??
- Vimeo link will be added after your presentations are done!